[A89] Re: C Problems
[A89] Re: C Problems
At 19:00 2001-09-03, you wrote:
>Hmm, is is possible to speed up how fast autoint 5 is
>struck in C, or do I need to use inline ASM (in either
>case, could I have an example if it is possible)?
You change auto int 5:s behavior via port 0x600015 and 0x600017
on info how, check http://m101.ryd.student.liu.se/J89hw.txt
you can fiddle with the contents of memory positions (and therefor ports,
since they are memorymapped in 68k)
fairly easy in C:
*(char*)0x600015 = 0x1B;
sets 0x600015 to its default value for example.
to set a bit:
*(char*)0x600015 |= (1<<4); to set bit 4
*(char*)0x600015 &= ~(1<<4); to clear bit 4.
the inline asm eqv. is quite easy, and imo easier to understand too:
asm("move.b #0x1B,0x600015");
asm("bset #4,0x600015");
asm("bclr #4,0x600015");