[A89] Re: Copyright Issues?
[A89] Re: Copyright Issues?
At 18:12 2001-05-19, you wrote:
>Hmm, when I downloaded AMS 1.00, 1.05, 2.03, and 2.04,
>I didn't agree to a license agreement, and I have
>received no official word from TI about the copyright
>status of the above AMS's. Therefore, wouldn't it be
>(temporarily/technically) legal for me to post them on
>my web site? If interested, mail me. I can do that.
It wouldn't be legal, but as with all things like this you can do it in a
small scale without risk of anything else then a mail like this:
If you then stop, they don't do anything more, unless you did it in a very
large scale and they find it likly that you earned a lot of money from it.
They always send a warning first, they can't afford bringing every little
thing like this to court
There is ofcourse always the risk that some moron (did it to me) mail your
ISP and they close your account.
ISPs can do a bit as they like.
I though have a nice guy as system admin, and he agreed with me that it
wasn't a big deal, but we agreed that if Texas Instrument them self would
ask me to stop, I would.
They did some month later, after I had had my site up for 6 or 7 month,
with all major search engines listing me on top if someone searched on
"Ti89 roms". Then I removed them from my TI89 Hardware page. Everyone
happy, except Texas Instruments customers...
It would be nice to hear from the guy who send the mail to my isp, and
probably to TI too, about his reasons. I would like to understand how he
reasoned, and sincerily hope it was deeper then "But its illeagal!"
(people from .ti.com had numerous times visited my site even before, but
suddenly, close in time, a mail from my ISP and from TI came.. interesting)