[A89] Re: A problem
[A89] Re: A problem
At 3/23/2001 07:07 PM, you wrote:
>Actually, the issue here is this line:
ok, cool, I understand that now.
>That's not true; char fn[] still needs a null byte at the end. I asked that
ok, i did it like this:
int starte(char fn[])
void main(void)
char map[9]="map";
and it worked, now to change char fn[] to char *fn, i also needed to change
the char map[9]="map" to char map[9]="map\0", so what you are saying is
that the first way i did it, it overwrote a byte somewhere in the program?
And thanks for putting up with all these questions. I should know them, but
my education is a lil haphazard.
Rob Smith
Rob's Quote of this Reset:
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support
of Paul.
- George Bernard Shaw