[A89] Re: A problem
[A89] Re: A problem
| ya, here is the code:
| void start_engine(int x, int y)
| {
| int (*testmap)[x]= NULL;
| testmap = calloc (y, sizeof (*testmap));
| ... More code here
| and then it is used like a normal array. It was in the faq, where i should
| of looked first.
How big are x and y, usually? They might have been too big to reserve space
for them on the stack.
| now, here is a question i have, why a pointer?
Because it's more general. Arrays are, in fact, passed as pointers (yes, I
have learned). I don't know if it would still work if you passed a string
from a char* variable. It might.
| and I can't have it be a const, as i
| might have to change it when it goes on.
That's no problem. Remove the const.