Re: A89: What's Wrong? (a little ot)
Re: A89: What's Wrong? (a little ot)
At 1/18/2001 01:23 AM, you wrote:
>Conceiveably, there could be a medium in which light could be slowed to 1
>m/s (or even slower), although I don't think that anything exists like
>that in nature.
Did anyone ever read the story that has slow glass in it? What it is is a
substance that slows light down so it takes years to get through it, and
people would set it in the country and have it store the view until it
seeps through and then sell it to the people in the citys, and they would
have a moving picture for years. In the story, a woman installed her slow
glass backwards and it showed the house where the guy lived and she watch
the kids grow up and watch them when their father died and stuff, it was a
good story.
Rob Smith
Rob's Quote of this Reset:
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support
of Paul.
- George Bernard Shaw