Re: A89: Strange Speed Differences
Re: A89: Strange Speed Differences
--- Johan Eilert <> wrote:
> The clock speed does not change, the number of
> waitstates do.
cool. That might explain this, although I did fiddle
w/ the waitstates.
> How did you measure the speed?
With this prog:
_main: move.w #$0700,d0
trap #1 ; ints off
move.w #$FFFF,d1
\lp1: move.w #$0400,d2
\lp2: dbra d2,\lp2
dbra d1,\lp1
trap #1 ; ints on
I think your right about the waitstates... but why
does TI change them shortly after bootup?
-Jeff Flanigan
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