Re: A89: TSR on TI89 HW2
Re: A89: TSR on TI89 HW2
Jeff Flanigan wrote:
> Sorry, I should have been more clear. I ment
> installing a tsr w/o HW2Patch. (see the
> news section for more info)
Basically, that is because on HW2 calcs, there is a hardware chip which
prevent the PC register to point out of a defined zone. Without
HW2patch, the TIOS give that zone a default size of 8ko, and every
assembly program you try to run is first copied to that zone so that it
can run, IIRC. A TSR program will be located to a zone in memory that is
out of the 8ko zone, so it won't be able to run and will crash the calc
when triggered.
> Right, I just want to know why some people think it's
> impossible w/o HW2Patch.
Actually it would be possible if before installing, your program disable
the 8ko limit, the same way HW2patch does.