A89: Why does this slow down?
A89: Why does this slow down?
I wrote a simple DrawClipString routine and tested it by writing a scrolling
marquee program. It appears to scroll faster during the beginning and end
(in other words, when there is less text on the screen). Can anybody explain
why this is? I only tested it in VTI, not on a real calc. I'll probably make
an effort to increase the routine's efficiency later, and this info might be
useful. Source follows. Thanks.
#define SAVE_SCREEN // Save/Restore LCD Contents
#include <tigcclib.h> // Include All Header Files
short _ti89; // Produce .89Z File
void DrawClipString(short x, short y, char *s)
SCR_RECT screen = {{0, 0, LCD_WIDTH-1, LCD_HEIGHT-1}};
while (*s != '\0')
DrawClipChar(x, y, *s, &screen, A_NORMAL);
x += FontCharWidth(*s++);
// Main Function
void _main(void)
int x = LCD_WIDTH-1;
char str[] = "This is a scrolling marquee.";
int pixelLength = DrawStrWidth(str, F_8x10);
char virtual[3840];
PortSet(virtual, 239, 127);
while (!kbhit())
if (x < -pixelLength)
x = LCD_WIDTH-1;
DrawClipString(x, 30, str);
memcpy(LCD_MEM, virtual, LCD_SIZE);