[A89] Re: Pointers and Matricies


[A89] Re: Pointers and Matricies

You can not do

char matrix[5][5]=...
char **pmatrix=&matrix;

because the pointer pmatrix does not know anything about the width
of the matrix (it doesn't need to know anything about the height,
but the width is vital; try to uncover why).

Why don't try

char matrix[5][5]=...
char (*pmatrix)[5]=&matrix;

Then you can do


In this case, pmatrix is "a pointer to the array of 5 elements".
This is not the same as

char *pmatrix[5]=&matrix;

which is illegal; this makes pmatrix "an array of pointer".
I recommend to you reading about dynamic matrix in the FAQ, and
reading about the asterisk punctuator in TIGCC doc.
