[A89] Re: sprite
[A89] Re: sprite
try if(x<LCD_WIDTH-12) instead and if it still doesn't work then try moving
the switches around again. of course, your calc might just be nuts too...
sometimes that happens when there's no possible way that your source code
could produce the results, and your program is smalle enough that theres not
much room for errors
> I've written a program to make sure i know how to use sprites. The file
is attached. It
> basically moves a sprite around the screen using the four arrow keys, and
recalls the background
> that was there before.
> I put in if statements to keep it from running off the edge of the screen,
and all of them work
> fine except for one. When it gets 4 pixels from the left edge of the
screen, it stops (early).
> It can keep moving around after that, but as long as it has hit that
barrier whenever you hit esc
> to quit, it gets an illegal instruction error.
> I noticed that the case for the left move was last in the switch, so I
tried switching it with the
> second to last (the up move). For some reason, this causes everything to
work normally except for
> the left move: this now moves it up and to the left.
> What is going on???