Re: A89: when i say JUMP, you say WHEN?
Re: A89: when i say JUMP, you say WHEN?
Here's the opcode for a JMP <ea>:
%0100111011<MODE (3 bits)><REGISTER (3 bits)>
Your addressing mode is a constant, if I remember correctly, so:
(xxx).W MODE = %111 REGISTER = %000
(xxx).L MODE = %111 REGISTER = %001
I haven't taken the time to learn M68K assembly yet, but I do know Z80 and I
understand what all that means, so it should be correct :)
I'll forward you personally an email from Scott Novek (I believe) on how to
obtain Motorolla's reference manuals (for free).
- JayEll
In a message dated 2/18/01 9:27:06 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:
I'm not sure that i was real clear, I need to know how the op-code is put
together for a jmp to address x...