[A89] Re: Emulators


[A89] Re: Emulators


> I would probably have to say the emulator from TI would be more
> accurate than vti.

Wrong. VTI is much more accurate than TI-SDK emulator...
Try to run any grayscale program on TI-SDK emulator, for fun...

> I would think this would be true since TI would probably want
> everything to run exactly as it would on the real deal

No. TI wants to emulate exactly just these features which they want
to support on their calculators...

> but with vti the hardware might not all be correctly emulated plus
> there's a chance for errors when it runs the rom. There's an easy
> way to find out which one is more accurate...run it on a real calc
> and see which one it runs like.

VTI is very far from perfect, but TI-SDK emulator is really shitty
in comparing with VTI, from the hardware exactness point of view...
