Re: Nintendo ports (Was Re: A89: Re: Re: ASM to C and vice versa)


Re: Nintendo ports (Was Re: A89: Re: Re: ASM to C and vice versa)

The only reason the NES could handle 10 knights on a screen
is the fact that their movement was simple as heck.

> 3. Speed - Some of the screens (like the dungeons where there are about 10 
>  Knights on at the same time), would have to be toned down. But actually, 
>  processor in the 89 whips the NES like <expletive>an angry 
>  dominatrix</expletive>. It 16 bit, for one thing, compared to the NES's 8 
>  bit. It also runs faster. It doesn't have the extra hardware support, but 
>  still think it could be done.