Re: Nintendo ports (Was Re: A89: Re: Re: ASM to C and vice versa)


Re: Nintendo ports (Was Re: A89: Re: Re: ASM to C and vice versa)

> I thought about doing the original zelda... then realized what a job it 
>  would be. If a bunch of people got together to work on it, it would be 
>  possible. Especially if you used a mix of C/ASM (C for ease of  coding, 
>  for the stuff that just sucks done in C), I really think it would be 
>  Anybody interested?

Most of the gameplay is rather simple to program, but are
we sure the calc can handle six or seven enemies moving
around the screen, especially some of the more complex
jumpers?  Even the Nintendo can't handle a few of the
rooms.  I happen to have a book with all the maps and all
the enemies in each map and all the locations of hidden
secrets, etc.  (And I have a copy of the game itself, both
real and ROM (don't you dare e-mail me for it).)  But I think
I'd need to see a good commitment before I decided to
scan that behemoth of a book.

Definitely a noble pursuit in any case!