RE: A89: Re: Internal speaker
RE: A89: Re: Internal speaker
just curious.. :) how do you make / get and connect a speaker to a ti-89?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Olle Hedman
> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 4:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: A89: Re: Internal speaker
> From: <>
> > Hey, I havn't posted much on here even though I've received it
> for a long
> > time now... anyway, here's a little thing I've been wondering about for
> some
> > time... is it possible to make a speaker for the 89 (or any other calc,
> for
> > that matter) and place it on the inside? I have one made, but I hate it
> > hanging out of my calc all the time. Is there room inside any
> of the calcs
> to
> > make it internal?
> There is plenty of room inside the calc. In fact the half with
> the batteries
> is emtpy except for the batteries. Shouldn't be any problem to
> fit a speaker
> in there. You would probably need to drill some holes in the case
> to be able
> to hear it though.
> > Also, I've been wanting to make one of those backlights for my
> 89 as well.
> > I'm don't know a whole lot about putting stuff like that together, so I
> was
> > wondering if i should get someone else ot do it for me so I
> don't screw up
> my
> > calc?
> The problem with backlight on the ti89 is that you can't get
> behind the lcd
> like you can on older calcs. The lcd is direclty attached on the
> "motherboard". There isn't enough room for backlight in any easy way.
> TI-Hardware is a better list for questions like this btw.
> -- Olle