Re: A89: Rom, FlashRom, and Ram, oh my...


Re: A89: Rom, FlashRom, and Ram, oh my...

Everything is in flash.
The first 64Ks of the flash is permanently locked though, makeing it act like it
was rom.
As far as I know, you can trash anything in the rest of the flash _EXEPT_ a
certain part in the beginning of the flash that can be unlocked. If I don't
remember wrong, this part is the certification area, and the first 64K:s check
some bytes in this area, and if thoose are wrong, it will lock up, and never
give you any chance to install new AMS. That is, makeing your calc totally
useless. (unless you desolder the flash chip and put it in an external flash
So, if you want to be safe, don't change anything in the first two flash pages
(first 128K), but then again, you have to do this if you want to install a whole
new OS.


> ? wrote:
> Alright, here's my question:
> Just how much of the TI-89, and specifically, TI-89 HW2.00, system is truly
> rommed, and how much is just flashrom?
> Here's why.  Let's say, hypothetically, that the flashrom was totally trashed,
> would you be able to recover, say, by using a link cable, or any other means
> you can think of?
> If anyone knows, do you know just where one ends and the other begins?
> --Thanks
