A89: Re: C programming basics


A89: Re: C programming basics


> I am having some trouble trying to figure out the documentation for 
> tigcc(I wish they would have put it it layman's terms!!!)

The documentation is written for anybody who already knows C
programming on other computers, and who wants to learn how to use
this on TI. For such people, the documentation is already in
layman's terms. But, for novices, it is not enough. If I want to
write a documentation for novices, it should to be 10 times larger,
but I really have not so much time.

> I know that you can use sprites to do the same job and in a lot
> less code, but I cannot figure out how to define sprites and then
> *DRAW THEM* on the screen.

Try to read what is written in the FAQ.

> I am also am having trouble figuring out how to use the *GRAY SCALE*
> with tigcc. I have read the documentation on it and know it is 
> possible I just can't figure out how to use it.

Use GrayMode(GRAY_ON) and GrayMode(GRAY_OFF) to turn the grayscale mode
on or off. Use SetPlane(LIGHT_PLANE) to force all drawings in light
gray, and SetPlane(DARK_PLANE) to force drawing in dark gray. To draw in
black, draw the same picture in both planes.

> The last thing I need help on is how do you figure out the *KEY CODES*
> for the calculator? 

Read the description of ngetchx in kbd.h carefully.


Zeljko Juric
