Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
maybe not slow, but uninformed :)
As much as I love metallica's music(I'm a big heavy metal fan), I don't
agree with their stance on music trading one bit.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Murphy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
> > It is the end-user who breaks the law by using
> > Napster to infringe on a copyright, not Napster.
> > It's not the crowbar manufacturer's fault if it's used
> > to break a door. And Napster's intentions are not
> > admissible (not to mention not provable). As long
> > as they weren't encouraging others to commit a
> > crime, they can snicker behind their desks all they
> > want. If you go out jaywalking, even if you intend to
> > break the law, it's not illegal if you accidentally
> > choose to jaywalk on an intersection where
> > jaywalking is permitted. Only a partially applicable
> > analogy, Napster didn't break the letter of any law,
> > so, regardless of their intentions, they are not guilty
> > of breaking any law.
> But, the funny thing is, neither the end-user or Napster is breaking the
> law. It's perfectly legal to sharing and distrobutions of songs in any
> form-or-fashion. The copyright on music specifically allows that. There
> was another thing passed in '92 saying that this is legal. I can't recall
> the name of it, unfortunately. There has been controversy over all new
> technology concerning muisc and movies. That list includes, the tape
> recorder (of course), VCR, and (believe it or not) the player piano. I
> don't see why Metallica don't crack down on CD burners or tape recorders.
> But, some people are a little slow...
> Glenn Murphy
> Plus, is the millions upon millions that Metallica have not ENOUGH? I
> be quite contented with a million or two...