Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)


Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)

I kinda hate to continue this disscussion as many are getting pissed that it 
has nothing to do with A89 in anyway, but i thought I'd share a little...

<< Second, you
 obviously have never used AOL since you have no
 idea how hard it is (and how many felonies you have
 to commit) before you are at risk of being cited for
 a TOS violation.  I, in over five years, have never
 come even remotely close to getting one.   >>

He's right, you know. the only TOS violation i have ever gotten was when some 
loser got my password and stared sending out 1000's of emails saying i was 
some porn star in england or something and telling them all to IM me and go 
to my site. Many of these people reported "me" for this and eventually AOL 
kicked me off for a few days until I called them and explained what had 
happened. Needless to say I later started using "The Cleaner" to make sure i 
had not more Trojan Horses. But I have violated AOL's TOS in many small ways 
over the last like 5 or 6 years... however long AOL's been around... and not 
once have I been TOSed for anything that was my fault. Maybe once I did when 
I put "F***" in my profile or something, but that's it. Now days I see people 
with that word in their profiles and no one seems to care anymore.

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