OT: Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
OT: Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
When I got my PC back in 1991(you seemed to have gotten yours a few months
ago), I was *sadly* forced to use AOL by then ignorant parents.
All the lamers in the chat rooms user their 'HAXOR TOOLZE AREE WIN!!!'
throughout the chat rooms. I refer you to jeffk:
had to put some humor in there :)
I use Irc, or more specifically mIRC on Win32 and BitchX in Slack.
as for your comment about me not knowing what ub3r l33t h@><0r tools, your
not l33t like jeffk: www.somethingawful.com/jeffk
Point being? isn't it frickin obvious? Any scmuck with time to kill can
easily get into AOL's top security, I even remember one incident where steve
case himself had his email hacked.
Oh and your feeble attempt at laughing it up made your forget your argument.
AOL doesn't take anything away silly. so you may think 'Well I won'. Well no
you didnt because thats not the arguments answer. the correct answer is ding
ding ding!
You connect at 49,333? I BOOT at 768000! beat that!
www.somethingawful.com is the best ;)
----- Original Message -----
From: <TGaArdvark@aol.com>
To: <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
> > AOL Shields you from everything sane! First they ween you off the
> > and into 'AOL only' proprietary content. Next you have to watch what
you do
> > online because sending an email to a person can be considered TOSing.
> > you have these jokers in the chat rooms using 'ub3r l33t h@><0r' tools
> > thinking their badasses.
> Uh, no. If anything, they wean new users ONTO the
> Internet. You're acting as if they blocked something.
> AOL users have the exact same access as anyone
> else, plus a little bit more that's a little bit simplier if
> they choose to take advantage of it. Second, you
> obviously have never used AOL since you have no
> idea how hard it is (and how many felonies you have
> to commit) before you are at risk of being cited for
> a TOS violation. I, in over five years, have never
> come even remotely close to getting one. If you got
> a TOS violation, there's definitely a few hundred
> children who are now familiar with the functions of
> certain body parts thanks to you. As for that
> comment about "ub3r l33t h@><0r tools", you've
> obviously never used IRC.
> > AOL's security for the longest time was built right INTO aol! the staff
> > people we're using the exact same copy as you, but they had a custom
> of
> > favorites to goto.
> Point being?
> > AOL prevents you from learning ANYTHING. They give you all this
> > on how you can learn 'anything' on the internet, and then they give you
> this
> > aol only crap.
> Hmm, but I don't recall them taking anything away
> from you. Perhaps I don't recall it because they didn't.
> > Give me distinct examples on user friendly mods that give you
> > shit, use software thats years old, and has this amazing ability to
> > your 56k modem seem like a 9600 baud.
> AOL being slower than other ISP's is a myth. They did
> throttle connections back in the busy signal days, but
> they informed you. I connect at 49,333 when I connect
> to AOL, and get slightly faster speeds than my other
> local dialups, due to a more direct connection to central
> backbones.
> > long live DSL and 768k speeds. I heard that AOL was supposed to move
> > broadband? have they moved up their *AMAZING* and *BRAND NEW* Cable
> > that give users 28.8 bandwidth to aol servers?
> It's great to debate with people who know what
> they're talking about so confidently as to make
> statements about services they've never used
> without giving evidence to back their statements up.
> Yes. If you connect to AOL using a broadband
> megabit connection, you will be throttled to 28.8.