Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Whoops, forgot to reply to this. Your first statement is
incorrect and has never been correct in the entire history
of AIM. I am so confident of this because I am logged
in to AIM right now with "Client information: mfaim-pre2.4-
cvs1 [Probable build time: Sep 4 2000 21:49:58] / libfaim
0.99.0-20000912050049", and have been for quite some
I understand where you thought this, however. AOL has
banned many attempts by Microsoft and a few other
big corporations at taking advantage of AIM's free
network to siphon users to their networks. Both
deceitful and illegal. If Microsoft hadn't done this to us,
they wouldn't have ruined our chances of having AOL
wholeheartedly cooperate with any attempts at third-
party clients. AOL was forced to bury the TOC
And I don't recall them doing anything to ICQ. It's
bloated, but it works flawlessly and instantaneoulsy
without problem. What would ICQ be like if not owned by
AOL? I say just about the same. This is exactly the road
ICQ's always been headed on. But I could be wrong.
In a message dated 10/1/00 2:01:23 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
> AOL refuses to let other into it's AIM network. And don't forget
> what they did to ICQ.