Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)


Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)

Heh, and do you have a choice of any other browser that INST a shell 
on top of IE?

>Yes, netscape has sucked lately.  However, IE 5.5 has
>nearly killed me.  Windows explorer used to load
>instantly (all the way through 5.0).  Now it takes
>minutes.  And what the F%$)(@$% is up with reopening
>branches when I close them while a sub-branch is
>selected.  This is one of the single biggest sources of
>aggrivation for me in a long time.  Netscape's biggest
>being that highlight-the-whole-thing-instead-of-what-was-
>problem.  I can't even trust IE anymore.  Saving credit
>card info and passwords, as well as all kinds of stuff,
>without me even knowing it, let alone able to stop it!
