Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)
Not here, it barely supports java 1.0.1. and It uses the Symantec
JIT. I think the windows version uses Microsoft's JavaVM
>Another very good rebuttal. The way you took it out of
>context, I'd almost assume you didn't know what I was
>referring to. AOL's only application that has java
>support is Netscape, which supports it perfectly and
>100% to specifications. Microsoft broke the
>specifications in the DEVELOPMENT area (note, I
>wasn't even referring to end-user support), mutilating
>Sun's share in it. This hurts Sun, Java, and anyone
>who tries to develop for Java, filtering down to damage
>to the end-user. AOL hasn't touched Java development
>one way or the other, and supports it fully.