A89: Doors Libraries/Header files for TIGCC also mlink
A89: Doors Libraries/Header files for TIGCC also mlink
just a couple of quickies...
I was just wondering if anyone has released any header files that call
different doors libraries? I understand the documentation in TIGCC and can
do this my self but it is nice not to have to reinvent the wheel...when i'm
sure that many others have (probably in many different shapes :) right now
I'm mainly interested in ziplib.
I'm also curious as to how to use mlink with TIGCC? I tried replacing the
link.exe program in the C\bin\ folder and using the switches suggested in
the readme for mlink but my computer hung up during compilation in the ide
so that probably isn't the right way to get it to work...
also is there a way to get the source code that is produced during a
compile? I would like to take a look at it for some of my programs and see
what I can do to it to help it along a little.
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