A89: TI-GCC and the ngetchx() catastrophe


A89: TI-GCC and the ngetchx() catastrophe

Okay, TI-GCC gurus. Why in version 0.8 can you not have the following work as a compiled program for doors?
#define USE_KERNEL       
#include <tigcclib.h>       
int _ti89;                  
void _main(void) {
 DrawStr(0,0,"Hello World",A_REPLACE);
Something must be wrong with the compiler. NGetChx() doesn't work when I try to compile it for Doors. Any remedy (and don't say "Don't use Doors")? Perhaps it's the version of DoorsOS I am using. The TI-OS gives me an Address Error when I tried to run the program. Please help...
~ S. Thompson
Programmer for the Arcade89 Group