A89: Re: Re: nostub programs and shells.
A89: Re: Re: nostub programs and shells.
> Because shells are badly written, so they don't recognize nostub
> programs (they don't expect that something like a nostub program
> exists at all).
Actually, they think that the only nostub programs that can (should?) exist
are kernel installers. So, they prevent nostub to run to avoid reinstalling
the kernel by error.
> > Is there any way to do this?
> Yes: write a better shell by yourself.
> By the way, I often hear something like "I hate nostub programs
> because they can not be launched from shells". From my point of
> view: "I hate shells because they can not launch nostub programs".
Also, many programmers (not me) hate nostub programs because :
_ the relocation table make them bigger
_ they have to embed many routines usually provided by libraries or
ramcalls, so they won't benefict from improvements in futures librairies
_ they are supposed to be less compatibles with futures rom versions. (In
fact, nostub programs are often the first ones to run on new AMS versions)
That might also explain why shells are not going to run nostub programs for
a long time...