A89: HexGrid engine for the 89!


A89: HexGrid engine for the 89!

I am currently developing a hexgrid engine for the TI-89 it could be used to 
develop Stratigic War Based and Role Playing Games fairly easy.  I am a 
determined beginner and think I have it well thought out.  The Hex Grid tile 
is 24 pix wide and 16 high.  I have already made it...  It would overlap the 
89's screen...  Hexagons shown, Including partials would be 6x14+7.  Sprites 
would be grayscale and would be 16X16...  To show 16X6 sprites I would have 
predefined display points -3,7 9,1 21,-7... etc.  I have loads of info down 
on graph paper but it is hard to show as an E-mail.  The program I will be 
developing is a secret! but the engine itself would be available to all 
programmers long befor the release of my game.  Anyone intrested in helping 
me pleas E-mail me directly at NateOrical@aol.com