A89: Re: Re: So quiet and peaceful


A89: Re: Re: So quiet and peaceful

| Is there any method to force VTI to load a file without manual
| drag-and-drop
| a file to it? I don't know too much about Windows programming, but maybe
| it is possible to send a message to VTI which will "fool" it to think that
| a file is dropped on it? What I need is "Run" option in the IDE which
| starting compiled programs which is as many automatized as possible...

I guess there is, but I didn't find it yet in the Windows API help file.  If
Rusty Wagner cooperates, I could use DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange).  To make
it even better, VTI could accept simulated keyboard input to automatically
start the program.  Speaking of that, I think that a C debugger would be
possible, too, if many specific people worked together.
