A89: Re: Re: Re: VAR-LINK
A89: Re: Re: Re: VAR-LINK
> Yes, this helps, thank you. You are right about event technics
> producing miracles, since that's what I used to find the ID's of
> the apps.
Don't be sure that these ID's are fixed, because they are in fact
handles to task state descriptors, which are kept in linked list.
AMS 2.xx has some functions for returning task IDs for a specified
application. I am not sure about their usage yet.
> Also, for a reference, could you give me the function that was
> introduced in AMS 2.03 to bring up the VAR-LINK dialog.
ROM CALL 129. Note that this romcall was cfindcertfield function
in AMS 1.xx. This function is removed in AMS 2.xx. But, anyway
romcall 129 in AMS 2.xx is not so useful, because it only bring
up the VAR-LINK dialog, i.e. you need to install an event handler
to get the name of selected variable. In other words, this
function is just a replacement for
and nothing more.
Zeljko Juric