A89: ASM in expressions - 2.04


A89: ASM in expressions - 2.04

    I was fiddling around with my AMS 2.04 HW1 calculator yesterday, and I typed in "am()+3," that is, the ASM program Another Mario, plus three.  I expected it to give me an error message, but to my suprise, Another Mario started right up!  When Another Mario ended (without returning a value to TI-OS, of course) I recieved the error message "internal error."  Then I tried this with a program that does return a value, and found that on my calculator, ASM programs can be used in expressions!  TI must have realized their stupidity and changed this in 2.04.
    There is more to the story, though.  When I tried this on VTI, which is reported as a HW2 calculator on the "About" screen, I recieved the expected "Invalid program reference" error.  Can anyone else confirm that ASM programs can be used in expressions on real calculators installed with 2.04?  Or is my calculator just a freak?
