A89: Adding to addresses


A89: Adding to addresses

Why is it that if I add to an address, I can't seem to add a number greater 
than 62?  Here's the code I'm using (I know it's inefficient.  I started 
making it simpler while trying to find the problem.)  I want to use it to get 
a byte stored in an array with dimentions 124 by 124 (map is the address of 
the array).  The x coordinate is d6; the y coordinate is d7.  (The upper left 
corner is 0,0)  It works as long as I only get as far as d6=62, d7=0.  After 
that, it just returns 0.  (Most of the array is 0's, so it might just be 
reading the wrong byte...)

    clr.l   d3
    move.b  d7,d3
    mulu.w  #124,d3
    add.w   d6,d3
    add.w   #0,d3
    move.l  map,a0
    add.l   d3,a0
    clr.l   d3
    move.b  (a0),d3
