Re: A89: cpu.txt @
Re: A89: cpu.txt @
There's something I don't understand about the pinout.
I always thought that memory mapped I/O ment that off
chip hardware (linkport, LCD, battery level detection,
etc.) responded to different reads/writes over the
address bus. I thought they were just hooked up to
both the data/address busses and had some circuitry
for interface. But when I looked at the pinouts, I
saw that some "memory mapped hardware" was interefaced
with special pins on the 68k chip (like the linkport
and batt detection). Can anyone explain how this
works to me?
- Jeff Flanigan
--- Olle Hedman <> wrote:
> If anyone of you have (and) use cpu.txt with pins
> added by Johan Borg, that can
> be downloaded from my page,
> you should know that there
> where some errors in it, and it is corrected now,
> and a new verson is available
> at the location above.
> cpu.txt has descriptions of the pins on the custom
> cpu chip with the 68k in th
> ti89.
> //Olle
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