A89: big problem with ti-gcc ide problem found


A89: big problem with ti-gcc ide problem found

I think I found the problem with ti-gcc ide.  I need somebody else to test 
this.  Just a minute ago I lost everything that I had again.  This time it 
was different.  I only did a little bit, so I know how to do it again very 
quickly.  The problem is that I was working on my game when I decided to 
save.  I clicked on Save Project As... And then save it as the same name I 
used before, game.tpr.  Now, what happened was it asked me if I wanted to 
save, and I clicked yes.  Then, it saved something, I'm not sure what, and 
also re-loaded the C file that I first started to work with.  So what it 
actually saves is the project name and the C file that is saved to that 
project, NOT what you are working on.  What i mean is if I have a C file and 
I save it as say, game.c, then save the project with it, when I load game.tpr 
it brings up the saved game.c that is there.  Now say I change a few things 
in game.c but don't actually right-click on game.c and save, but I go to the 
File Menu and click Save All, what it saves to game.tpr is the last saved 
game.c, NOT the actual game.c that you have just changed.  I think this needs 
to be changed.  By Save All, is that what you were trying to do?  Save the 
project and what you are working on?  Maybe you have the 2 in the source 
mixed up so it saves the game.tpr then the game.c.  I'm sure all you need to 
do is switch them around so that it saves game.c first, then game.tpr.  Also, 
It should save the C file that you are working on automatically everytime you 
compile it.  That would be very useful just in case something screwy happened 
to your computer.  Last but not least, you should make that "Do you want to 
Open the output folder" something that you can turn off.  That would be nice.

I sent this to the whole list as a warning to anybody using ti-gcc ide.

