Re: A89: Good C book
Re: A89: Good C book
I would never buy any book by Deitel and Deitel. I can't even describe how
worthless I think they are. The Kerninghan and Ritchie book is excelent, but
I wouldn't touch the D&D one with a ten foot pole.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nathaniel Gibson <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 05, 2000 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: A89: Good C book
>>I've been reading all the posts about using TIGCC, and decided to
>>learn C. What would you recommend as a good book to teach C? Thanks.
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>Two choices come to mind: "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan
>and Ritchie (they created C), or "How to Program C" by Deitel and
>Deitel. The first book is less expensive, but the treatment of the
>language is very basic (not a lot of examples). The second is more
>expensive (around $55 US) but is much better at teaching a newbie how
>to program C (many more examples, exercises at the end of chapters,
>etc: almost like a college textbook.)
>My two cents,
>Nathaniel Gibson