A89: Quick jumping to the left and right


A89: Quick jumping to the left and right

First of all, I'm sorry if u saw this message few times over the last days, I had a problem subscribe to the mailing list, so I thought this message never get through.... and ofcourse I couldn't see replys, if any...... so again, sorry...
At the last few weeks, I've noticed a very annoying problem with my TI-89, I thought that the new 2.04 system would solve it, but it didn't;
There is no way to jump few steps at a time on the entry line. I mean when u are in the entry line and u have 80 characters line and u have to change the 40th character, u have to hit the <left> or <right> key for 40 times.....
I thought that maybe the <diamond> <left> / <right> could jump, let's say 10 characters par hit or jump the window width (just like <2nd> <down> / <up> does.....
well, my question is (I don't no my way in ASM), is there anyone how knows how to that?

1. "Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow"
2. "There was a time when religion ruled the world.
                                        It is known as the Dark Ages."

                                                               Ronen Baram
