RE: A89: Me distributing roms
RE: A89: Me distributing roms
you speak better english than most natives here lemme tell ya that =]
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Brock
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: A89: Me distributing roms
> > > > If the lion was able to control his actions we'd have no need for
Don't you see? The laws we currently have in place are not natural. Putting
a lion in a cage is not natural... Lions do not belong there, they belong in
the wild. And what, you ask, do we do if they attack someone? We take care
of it AFTER they attack som
eone. Attempting to prevent the lion from attacking will never have an
outcome of creating harmless lions. Laws should therefore be rules dictating
what we should do when something happens, not how to prevent things that are
going to happen. Our laws and
rules in this country are designed TO BE BROKEN, and they call it
I do not think I am being very clear about what I want to express. Read the
book "Ishmael" and you will understand what it is I am trying to say.
(I hope I have been clear enough... english is not my first language)