Re: A89: Parse Error??
Re: A89: Parse Error??
There's a missing semicolon at the end of line 15.
Mark Leverentz
>To: "Assembly-89" <>
>Subject: A89: Parse Error??
>Date: 23 Jan 00 16:51:00 -0600
>Ok, I'm using the new libraries to test their functions out, and I can't
>figure out why I'm getting
>these errors. I keep getting a parse error at line 15 and at line 26.
>Here's the source:
>#include "nostub.h"
>#include "all.h"
>int _ti89;
>void _main(void)
>LCD_BUFFER buffer;
>unsigned int handle;
>int result;
>unsigned int exec_handle;
> LCD_Save(buffer);
> Clr_Scr();
> FontSetSys(F_6x8)
> handle = MenuNew (2, 240, 18);
> MenuAddText (handle, 0, "First", 1, 0);
> MenuAddText (handle, 0, "Second", 2, 0);
> MenuAddText (handle, -1, "Third", 3, 0);
> MenuAddText (handle, -1, "Fourth", 4, 0);
> MenuAddText (handle, 1, "Subitem 1.1", 5, 0);
> MenuAddText (handle, 1, "Subitem 1.2", 6, 0);
> MenuAddText (handle, 2, "Subitem 2.1", 7, 0);
> exec_handle = MenuBegin (HeapDeref (handle), 0, 0, 0);
> result = -2;
> while (result == -2)
> result = MenuKey (exec_handle, ngetchx ());
> MenuEnd (exec_handle);
> HeapFree (handle);
> MenuUpdate ();
> ngetchx();
> LCD_restore(buffer);
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