Re: A89: Me distributing roms.


Re: A89: Me distributing roms.

Thats just childish and naive. It doesn't have any purpose or meaning at all.
If they (TI) don't want me to distribute their roms, they are in their full
right to tell me not to, and there is nothing I can do about it. After all, they
own the copyright it.
They havn't said anything yet though.

//Olle wrote:
> Do like the warez sites do: say stuff like "These files are for educational
> pourposes..." "This space is for personal archive use only..." "You must own
> to origional .... to download..." "Delete all downloads from this site within
> 24 hours...."  and "The files on this server are for the sole porpose of
> bandwidth..." Close all the loopholes, and you arnt at fault, just the people
> that download the roms :-)
