A89: RAM calls in TI-GCC


A89: RAM calls in TI-GCC

Does anyone here knoe how you use the DoorsOS RAM calls when programming with
TI-GCC? I was told to use them exactly like ROM calls, but when I try that on
f.x. FolderListHandle:

#define FolderListHandle (_RAM_CALL_012)
HANDLE FolderListHandle;
APointer = HeapDeref(FolderListHandle)

...then I just get this code:

move.w $8,-(sp)
jsr HeapDeref

Is there any way I can convince TI-GCC that it is supposed to be a constant,
i.e. with a # in front of it?

 / Niklas Brunlid
Check out Prosit for the TI-89 / TI-92+ at http://prosit.ticalc.org
Random PQF Quote follows:

English Burger Lords managed to take any American fast food virtues (the
speed with which your food was delivered, for example) and carefully remove
them; your food arrived after half an hour, at room temperature, and it was
only because of the strip of warm lettuce between them that you could
distinguish the burger from the bun. The Burger Lord pathfinder salesmen
had been shot 25 minutes after setting foot in France.
        -- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)