Re: A89: PJ (was: this is beside the point...)
Re: A89: PJ (was: this is beside the point...)
>(hehe, no offense scott, this is all just hypothetical. I thought of your
>program first because it's one I keep track of because I want to play it:P)
None taken =) But seriously, I _do_ feel that I owe everyone an apology
about PJ -- so far, I've been working on it since September, yet I've only
actually worked for 15 hours. I have serious problems with time
management - when a game takes less than 20 hours to program, but it takes
me more than 6 months, that's very apparent. All that I have to do is some
external level stuff and pretty menus, and it's done -- but I lose interest
in things very quickly. Making the game was fun, but putting forth the
effort to complete it is NOT and I have a very hard time finishing
everything I start. Heck, were I really dedicated this would have been
around months upon months ago - it's not a very hard or involved project,
really, I just get distracted by grayscale fixes and Dim-TI Y2K contest (you
should see my entry program =)
Just for fun, lemme look over those comments:
>You know that plane jump prog Scott is making? Yah, I think it's a piece
>crap. Take a look at that gyppy screen, you can see that the ball was
>PASTED on there! Heck, I could make better screens than that!
The ball IS pasted on there, last I checked =)
>And look how
>the screen jumps so quick! and the planes go so fast!
The screen DOES jump a bit. I've figured out how to make it scroll smoothly
now, but it would require a large rewrite of the display engine. Think
sequel or update to try that one day (and the animated screenshot makes it a
lot worse =)
>You have to realize how irrational your comments are. And also, yes I
>make better screenshots than what I see on Scott's page with Adobe
>and make them look just as realistic:P But Scott's prog is real no matter
>how fake it may look:P
Curious: How might I be able to make it look better? I imagine that the
ball could be better drawn, and the display could be less jumpy (the
screenshot is not a good way to judge that, though) - but cold the plane be
done better? It could handle grayscale, but how would you make PJ gray?