A89: Seperate Directories for TI-89/92+ Programs?


A89: Seperate Directories for TI-89/92+ Programs?

With the event of Doors OS II now, am I correct that most programs until
recently do NOT work with this shell?  Meaning that they all need to be

If so, does this require the seperation of programs like "Doors OS" and
"Doors OS II".. similar to the way Fargo programs are seperated?

ticalc.org seems to have grouped everything together so far, and it seems
like that will be confusing because you can't tell if a program has been
patched or not.

Bryan Rabeler

"The last thing we want is a "cover-up."  ...there's no reason to take out
intelligent and purely speculative posts. Even if they're true." - Chris
Dornfeld, 4 November 1998