A89: Difference between "AMS 2.0x" and "HW 2.00" designation on ticalc.o


A89: Difference between "AMS 2.0x" and "HW 2.00" designation on ticalc.org?

On this page, http://www.ticalc.org/pub/89/asm/libs/, ticalc.org has both
"[HW 2.00]" and "[AMS v2.0x]" next to various libraries.  Does ticalc.org
really mean to say the same thing here, or should I take this literally?

Meaning, are there some libraries that will only work on HW2 regardless of
the AMS version, and some will only work on AMS 2.0x regardless of the
hardware version?  That idea seems pretty bizarre, but maybe that is true??

Bryan Rabeler

"Let me remind people that we're not in the business of censorship" - Chris
Dornfeld, 4 November 1998
