A89: Re: tigcc - some REAL routines this time [OT]
A89: Re: tigcc - some REAL routines this time [OT]
>Actually, let me pose a question: Is C a
subset of C++? In comp.lang.c
>they're always very quick to insist
that it is NOT, because not all C
>compiles under C++. On the other
hand, I was in a bookstore yesterday and
>looked up Bjorn Stroustroup's
_The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition_
>where he states that it
is. Now I'm confused =)
I remembered that C _was_ a subset of C++, but couldn't
remember where it
was I read it so I looked around. Well, I found two books
that agree.
_C++ for Dummies 2nd edition_, by Stephen R. Davis
"C++ is, at its core, C. It's almost upwardly compatible. Anything C
can do,
C++ can do too. C++ can even do it the same way."
_C++ from
the ground up_, by Herbert Schildt says:
"...C++ is built upon the foundation
of C. In fact, C++ is a superset of C.
(Indeed, all C++ compilers can also be
used to compile C programs!)..."
These books combined with what Scott
Noveck read in Bjorn Stoustroup's book
"The C++ Programming Language, 3rd
Edition" I must conclude that C is a
subset of C++. Therefore all C code
_should_ compile in any C++ compiler (I
would be interested to see some that
Besides if I went against Bjorn Stoustroup I would be kind of
stupid now
wouldn't I.
Anyone else have any
ALT_255 - webmaster@communitycrc.org
Please don't make fun of me for the dummies book, It was given to me
and I am
to cheap to throw it out :)