Re: A89: corewars


Re: A89: corewars

I actually have the game. We would just have agree to
not cheat, and trust each other. I think it would
rock, personally.

--- Risto_J�rvinen <> wrote:
> (sorry about the previous empty reply)
> Corewars is still at least mildly active.  See
> or Corewars
> FAQ at
> The source of corewars is available free, it runs on
> most machines I can
> think of.  You could try stripping of most of the
> user interface and
> compile it with tigcc.
> Though beside the hack value I doubt anyone would
> like to play it on their
> calculators;  There is enough publicly available
> code to allow cheaters to
> kill newbies.  Plus why toy with your calc when you
> can up your codewarrior
> to Net to fight for the illustrious title of "King
> of the Hill" :-)
> 	- Riba
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, rende-6 wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone remember that *VERY* old game called
> corewars?  I forget exactly
> > how it worked, but it basically put aside a chunk
> of memory as a sort of
> > virtual arena.  Then people could write short .ASM
> code that acted sort of
> > like a virus and set them loose in the arena to
> see whose code would win by
> > completly wiping out the others code while showing
> the progress of each
> > piece of code in a graphical & text interface.  I
> think it would be really
> > cool to do a version of this game for the TI-89 in
> a way that people could
> > then write ASM code and put it on the net so ppl
> could then download it to
> > their calcs to do battle against their own or
> others code.  I'm a cs major,
> > and know very rudementary ASM, but am willing to
> learn more to work on this
> > project.  If anyone else finds this an interesting
> idea and knows ASM,
> > please e-mail me.  I would very much like to make
> this a reality.
> > 
> > 
> > 
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