A89: MIDI-TI some MIDI-Port Data


A89: MIDI-TI some MIDI-Port Data

Here�s what I found out about the MIDI-port.

Baudrate is 31,25 kBaud. (I suppose this is too much for the TI, isn�t it?
Otherwise, its 1/320 of CPU-speed.(this should allow some tricks if the port
is too slow.))
1 Start and one Stop-bit
Of course, no ACK
inverse LOgic.

If this are parameters that cope with TI than it�s worth creating apps.

A simple micro-processor controlled patch-bay, for example, that allows to
send  a programmed couple of program changes to a specific MIDI-channel
costs about 300 Dollar.
If TI allows this, it would be a great thing.

MIDI-Data format is simple (despite of System-Exclusive messages)
The adapter to be build would cost about (ehemm...) lets say 3 $.
