Re: A89: Re: Question
Re: A89: Re: Question
I use TGV Viewer to view text files. It
doesn't have word wrapping, but it does allow for two levels of bookmarks and
even extended file names. Pretty nice, if you can read a french readme
When in the course of human events, it becomes natural to accept killing,
then it should also be natural to accept death.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 1:47
Subject: Re: A89: Re: Question
TxtRider works on my
TI-89, AMS 2.05, HW 1, but it's really'll
often lock up on
me, and then I have to reset my calculator several times
before it'll
finally work again. Has anyone else had any problems with
with a TI-89/AMS 2.05/HW 1 or other? I emailed the author about it,
but he hasn't responded yet...
In a message dated
12/21/00 11:19:16 AM Mountain Standard Time,
I see _a_ problem, at least on my 92+ (HW1) : nor Xetal
nor txtrider
work with ams 2.03, 2.03 neither. TI send me ams1.00
(thanks!), but
DoorsOS requies ams 1.01 :-(