A89: Re: user functions
A89: Re: user functions
> Do any of you alpha testing the SDK know if there is going to be support
> user functions (to return a value to TI-BASIC). Say I wanted to write a
> function for multivariable implicit differentiation...a simple example:
Sure; if it's possible in TI-GCC, it's possible with the SDK (and more entry
points/equates are always helpful). I hope you like your EStack.
> v = r+s, find dv/dt,dr/dt,and ds/dt
> answer: dv/dt = dr/dt+ds/dt (I think that's right,been too long since Cal
> =P)
> I know that is a rather simple example, but to do this process in TI-BASIC
> is pretty ugly (the code, the result comes out like d(r(t),t),etc).
I must sinfully confess that my math knowledge doesn't extend beyond the
beginnings of AP Calc (and that's after skipping ahead 2 years), which I'm
taking this year, so I can't comment on the feasibility of what you want to
do - but I can't imagine a situation in which I would think that performing
a math operation like this one would _not_ be possible, although it could
certainly be difficult.
> There would be a lot that could be done if that support was included (say,
> an Isolate function, like Maple) that is impossible in TI-BASIC. I know
> TI-GCC comes with that support, but it is limited by the TIOS (i've had it
> crash with the example given documentation =(, but Zeljko is still the
> TI-GCC God =) ). Can anyone say anything about this, or does your NDA
> prohibit it?
I'm not sure what TIOS-imposed limits you're refering to. If it's the bug
in 2.04 (I think) that won't let ASM programs return values, that's just a
problem with 2.04 and an upgrade to 2.05 will fix it. If it's something
different, could you please elaborate on it?