Re: A89: oscillator test (was: FYI: added info to J89hw.txt)
Re: A89: oscillator test (was: FYI: added info to J89hw.txt)
On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 03:13:56AM -0300, Javier Grijalba wrote:
> Oscillator test from TI ? Wich self test ?
> Where can I get the programmes?
It's builtin in AMS 2.03 (and probably other AMSes as well).
[HOME], [F5], [diamond]+[CLEAR], [alpha]+[s] to enter the self test.
There is an "oscillator test" option there.
You must have (almost) new batteries when you run it, because it sets all
bus waitstates to zero -- it will crash with old batteries!!!
The test is designed for HW2 and will (probably) report that both
oscillators are faulty on HW1. This is nothing to worry about. If the calc
LOOKS healthy, it IS healthy! :)
(And no, there's no "easy" way to get the black line above the status line
back, AFAIK. It will come back when you reset the calc!)
/Johan "100 bytes is enough."