A89: Re: Re: What is wrong here?


A89: Re: Re: What is wrong here?


>> 1) missing braces around initializer for '(anonymous).xy'
> This is not an error, but a warning.  It is thrown because 
> SCR_RECT is a union.  To get rid of it, just put the extra 
> braces in (double braces around the initializer). If it 
> shows as an error or doesn't compile, please give me some
> additional information (e.g. using IDE or command-line 
> compiler, version of TI-GCC, ...)

Yes. This is somewhat my error guilt too. As I compiled my
first programs without -Wall option, I never received this
warning, so I didn't noticed that extra braces are necessary.
That's why a lot of my programs and examples in the documentation
are with only one braces, so it produce a confusion. I must
rewrite the documentation to correct this.

>> 2) invalid lvalue in unary '&'
> Well, you already know the solution for that:  The initializers
> can only be constants (I think).

No, initializers may be non-constants (in GNU C, but TIGCC is GNU C).
For example, 

int a=3,b=4,c=5,d=6;
SCR_RECT myScr={b+a,b-a,d+c,d-c};

is quite legal. The problem is much more complex. GNU C has one 
extension in addition to ordinary C: cast constructors. This is a
method for constructing structures, arrays, unions etc. "on fly" by
using a typecasting an initializer to appropriate data type, for 


So, you can use


which is impossible in ordinary C (ANSI C). You can even use


where a,b,c,d are expressions. Well, but what is now the problem?
See, C has two type of objects: lvalues and non-lvalues. lvalues
are objects which may appear on the left size of an assignment.
For example, a variable is a lvalue and a constant is not a lvalue,
because x=5 is legal and 5=x (or 5=3) is not legal. Not only
variables are lvalues; for example, dereferenced pointers are also
lvalues, so this is legal for example (store 100 at address 0x4c00):


So, *(char*)0x4c00 is a lvalue. Now, about the problem. In GNU C,
cast constructors are lvalues only if the initializer is completely
constant. I.e. (SCR_RECT){{10,10,50,50}} is a lvalue, but
(SCR_RECT){{a,b,c,d}} is not. As C language accepts unary "&"
operator (i.e. "address of") only on lvalue objects, this means
that, for example,


is legal, but


is not! This is the real cause of the problem!!!

What you can do? Declare one SCR_RECT variable, say myScr,


and instead of




Note that &myScr is legal, because myScr is a lvalue (it is an ordinary

I hope that this helps a lot understanding of cast constructors and


Zeljko Juric