Re: A89: OS programming in ASM


Re: A89: OS programming in ASM wrote:
> In a message dated 4/8/00 5:03:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Could anyone give me some info on OS and kernel programming with ASM for
>  the 89 (i.e. What exactly the kernel does, how it does it, how to
>  implement it, etc.)? If anyone could also give me any help with how to
>  implement preemptive mutitasking (assuming it is possible on the 89's
>  hardware), I'd appreciate it.
>   >>
> I don't exactly know how the TI-OS works, but I suggest looking at the source
> to TEOS. It might help you understand kernels a little more.
> -Jordan Clifford

Thanks for the idea, but the source code is in French. Is there an
alternative English version of the source code anywhere?
